Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
du 16 juin 2022 au 17 juin 2022
Nature for Innovative and Inclusive Urban Regeneration (NATiURB) is a two-day public conference to be held in Milan, on 16 & 17 June 2022. It is the first international conference hosted by URBiNAT (H2020 EU project).
The event will address the main themes of the project: NBS and the Co-Creation of Healthy Corridors for inclusive urban regeneration. The first day of the conference is a “Cities Conference Day”, where URBiNAT partner cities will share their experience with regards to the healthy corridor co-created with local communities in their specific intervention area.
The second day is a “Scientific Conference Day”. It will consist of twenty sessions dedicated to the discussion of concepts, methodologies and practices that are being developed.
The conference is opened to the scientific community, policymakers, urban planners and practitioners, developers of nature-based solutions, social workers, environmental and social activists and artists and other stakeholders.
Attendees and presenters will share knowledge and experience from diverse perspectives ranging from academic to urban planning and design to lived experience on the ground.
Abstracts can be submitted in the following categories:
Please note that abstracts (300 words) have to be written in English and should be submitted electronically via our submission platform. All abstracts will be reviewed by reviewers from our Scientific Committees prior to acceptance.
The deadline to submit an abstract is 4 March 2022. Selected authors will be notified by 15 April and invited to submit an expanded abstract by 31 May 2022. Attendee registration will open on 15 April 2022. NATiURB website - https://urbinat.eu/conference-2022/